Part of a network of more than 600 Confucius Institutes distributed in more than 140 countries, the Confucius Institute at Unesp, the first one established in Brazil, was established through an agreement between São Paulo State University - Unesp and the Confucius Institute Headquarters in Beijing, with the pedagogical support of Hubei University, China. It started teaching activities in the first half of 2009 and since then more than twelve thousand people attended in its regular Chinese language courses, including Unesp students, elementary and junior high school students and community members in the 13 cities of São Paulo State, on Unesp campuses, as well as in the city of São Luís / MA., in partnership with the Federal University of Maranhão, and Manaus / AM., in partnership with the Federal University of Amazonas. The headquarters of the Confucius Institute at Unesp is located in the Ipiranga neighborhood, in the city of São Paulo.

Chinese Vice Premier Liu Yandong Vsited CI at UNESP
The activities of the Institute include the teaching of Mandarin, the promotion of Chinese culture and the strengthening of cultural exchange between Brazil and China. Since its establishment, thousands of people have participated in cultural activities such as seminars, fairs, festivals, exhibitions, sports activities and academic events. In the publishing area, the Institute also supports the publication of classics of Chinese literature, with four books already published by Unesp Publishing House.

The Confucius Institute is the only institution responsible for applying the Chinese language proficiency exams (HSK) outside China, as well as promoting an intensive exchange program in China with scholarships for its students, for which it has already sent more than 400 students to China.

Annually, the Confucius Institute at Unesp organizes, together with the Brazilian Association of Chinese Companies, the Chinese Enterprises Job Fair. During the event, the Institute becomes a large recruitment center so that Chinese companies that have open positions can make their selection processes with the candidates. In the years 2016 to 2018, more than 30 Chinese companies participated in the event. More than 500 vacancies were offered and more than 1,500 candidates participated in the selection process.

In recognition of the high quality of all the activities offered, the Confucius Institute at Unesp received from the Confucius Institute Headquarters in China, among more than 500 institutes, three times the "Confucius Institute of the Year" award in 2010, 2012 and 2016.

Official Website of CI at UNESP: www.institutoconfucio.com.br