

Xinhua Digest Republished Professor Qin Zhaogui’s Full Article Archives: Memories and Historical Materials

author:    editor:刘颖   translator:    Aug 08, 2022

Recently, the full article Archives: Memories and Historical Materials, which had been published on China Archives News(theoretical part, 12th May,2022), was republished on Xinhua Digest(issue 14,2022). The article was written by Prof. Qin Zhaogui, a professor of School of History and Culture, Hubei University. It contains the main contents that Prof. Qin shared when he was invited to attend “China GLAM(Gallery, library, Archives and Museums) Open Class” which was mainly hosted by Xinhuanet.

The article mainly discusses issues in three aspects. The first is to analyze where and how archival memory and its types work in social management, starting from the characteristics and values of archives as human spiritual activities and behaviors as well as material objects and content entities. Meanwhile, the professional goals to store, maintain and extract archives, the core of memory activities, are also emphasized. The second is to analyze characteristics of archives and historical materials, putting forward his concerns about how to be practice-minded during the transformation of archival digitalization and in the positive trend to research management of archives and historical materials. The third is to briefly introduce the core of archival dualistic value, paraphrasing that the purpose to build the theoretical system is to lay stress on the combined action of archives instrumental value and informative value. It contributes to developing neutralized ecology and the focus of memory construction with both recording and using in information age of archives.

From the perspective of Prof. Qin, for one thing, as the memory construction and governance method, archival moderation is supposed to show its instrumental value. What’s more, as the information entity and knowledge source, it should be highlighted for its informative value. The developing strategy of archives ought to form two-way focuses between ways and objects, mentality and substance, entity and information, management and content, security and openness, construction and sharing, and governance and culture.

Xinhua Digest is one of the most powerful and influential digest periodicals in China with large-scale theories, comprehensiveness and materials. Also, it is a core platform to focus on selecting and recommending important achievements in humanities, social sciences and other related fields.

Archives: Memories and Historical Records(China Archives News) : http://www.zgdazxw.com.cn/news/2022-05/17/content_333157.htm